Life of Pi (2012): 12:20 - 14:44 (1080p) The entire story of this movie, including how he was introduced to Lord Shree Krishna (God, according to the Vedic scriptures of ancient India), is narrated to a writer (Rafe Spall) by adult Pi Patel (Irrfan Khan). 5-year-old Pi Patel (Gautam Belur), his brother, 7-year-old Ravi Patel (Ayaan Khan), their mother, Gita Patel (Tabu), and their father, Santosh Patel (Adil Hussain), are also in the clip. Movie,Clip,Vedic,Vedas (Religious Scriptures),Krishna (God),Life of Pi (Film Title),2012 (Film Release Year),Rafe Spall (Film Actor),Irrfan Khan (Film Actor),Gautam Belur (Film Actor),Ayaan Khan (Film Actor),Tabu (Film Actor),Adil Hussain (Film Actor),Adventure (Film Genre),Drama (Film Genre),Fantasy (Film Genre),yt:cc=on,1080p